About Us
eLifeguard.com® was founded in 1998 by Mike Rogers. Mike Rogers has 30+ years of experience in the lifeguard industry serving as an Open Water & Pool Lifeguard, Lifeguard Instructor, Aquatic Supervisor, and lifeguard products manufacturing & distribution business operator. Mr. Rogers holds a Master of Science Degree in Recreation & Park Administration from Eastern Kentucky University. Mr. Rogers is a member of the United States Lifesaving Association (USLA).
eLifeguard.com® Co-Owner Dionne Rogers is a former Lifeguard. She holds a Master of Business Education from The University of Kentucky.
In addition to operating eLifeguard.com®, the Rogers cumulatively have worked at the following aquatic facilities:
Frankfort YMCA
Frankfort Country Club
Georgetown / Scott County Public Pool
Longview Country Club
Bear Creek Aquatic Camp
Camp Nathanael
Western Kentucky University
East Frankfort Pool
Juniper Hills Pool
Kentucky State Parks, Div. of Recreation & Interpretation
eLifeguard.com is dedicated to providing lifeguards & aquatic professionals with cutting edge products that lead the aquatic industry. If you have a comment or suggestion about a new product idea or how we can serve you better, please contact us:
265 Barnes Blvd
Rockledge, FL 32955
Toll Free: 1-800-852-0284
Phone: (321) 433-3630
Fax: (321) 433-3631
Email: info@elifeguard.com