September 03, 202428Comment
This Lifeguard Chair Lock Box is a great add-on for your lifeguard chair! It provides a safe place to help protect and store your belongings! Customize our Everondack® Lifeguard Chairs by adding this great Lifeguard Chair Lock Box.
This Deluxe Waterproof Box is great for storing items you don't want to get wet! Perfect for lifeguards!
This Side Storage Box is a must-have For the LG 350 - Portable Guard Station! Ideal for storing small personal equipment or other items! Perfect for Lifeguards!
This Water Resistant Lifeguard Supply Box meets all general purpose supply box needs! Exterior dimensions are 10in. Width x 10in. length x 3.25in. depth and interior dimensions are 9in. Width x 9in. length x 3in. depth. Perfect for Lifeguards!
The Lifeguard Chair Lock Box is a great add-on for your lifeguard chair! It provides a safe place to help store and protect your belongings! Customize our Everondack® Lifeguard Chairs by adding this great Lock Box.
Everondack® Lifeguard Chairs come in all shapes and sizes. The Model LG 500 Lifeguard Chair featured here is available in a variety of colors, the most in the industry, and comes partially assembled in a box that ships UPS. This Lifeguard Chair In A Box ships fast and cheap directly to your door!