
  1. New LIFE RING Is Talk Of The 2024 California Park & Recreation Society (CPRS) Conference & Expo

    The new USCG Approved LIFE RING™ is talk of the 2024 California Park & Recreation Society (CPRS) Conference & Expo in Palm Springs, California. This ground breaking new lifesaving device has been in development for several years and is now available for purchase. has been working with the United States Coast Guard for most of that time to ensure that the new rescue LIFE RING buoy meets and or exceeds the USCG regulations for this type of lifesaving rescue device. The LIFE RING is ideal for beaches, lakes, commercial and residential swimming pools, camps, hotels, resorts, boating watercraft, as well as waterparks. Among its many innovative new features are the ultra-durable closed cell foam which will outlast o

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    #waterpark, #swimmingpool, #swimming, #surfrescue, #river, #ringbuoy, #rescue, #recreation, #pool, #palmsprings, #ocean, #Lifesaving, #lifesaver, #lifering, #lifeguard, #lake, #cprs, #camps, #Camping, #camp, #california, #beach, #Aquatics, #aquatic
  2. New LIFE RING Gets Attention Among California Park & Recreation Society (CPRS) Conference & Expo Attendees

    The new USCG Approved LIFE RING™ Gets Attention Among California Park & Recreation Society (CPRS) Conference & Expo Attendees in San Diego, California. This ground breaking new lifesaving device has been in development for several years and is now available for purchase. has been working with the United States Coast Guard for most of that time to ensure that the new rescue LIFE RING buoy meets and or exceeds the USCG regulations for this type of lifesaving rescue device. The LIFE RING is ideal for commercial and residential swimming pools, camps, beaches, waterparks, lakes, resorts, h

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    #ywca, #YMCA, #waterpark, #USLA, #swimmingpool, #swimming, #surfrescue, #starguard, #sandiego, #river, #ringbuoy, #rescue, #pool, #oceanrescue, #Lifesaving, #lifesaver, #lifering, #lifeguard, #lake, #ellisguard, #cprs2023, #cprs, #camps, #Camping, #camp, #californiaparkandrecreationsocietyconferenceandexpo2023, #californiaparkandrecreationsocietyconferenceandexpo, #boating, #beach
  3. CPRS Shows New Lifeguard Products!

    Shop Lifeguard Products!

    Lifeguards and other Aquatics Professionals assembled in Long Beach, California this month at the California Recreation and Parks Society (CPRS) and were introduced to exciting new Lifeguard Products such as Skwim Fins and other information about the exciting new water sports game Skwim which is taking California Aquatics programs by storm. With the most recent Skwim system located at the City of Paso Robles. The exciting lifeguard industry changing LIFE™ Rescue Tube was also being introduced in the new 2 Color Model.

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    #lifeguard, #cprs
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