
  1. First Responder Bag Responds Fast!

    In this age of COVID-19 it is more important than ever for first responders to have all of their essential emergency and medical supplies readily available at a moments notice.  The lifeguard first responder bag is an essential tool for first responders of all types.  Whether it be lifeguards, nurses, fire rescue personnel, EMTs, doctors, and / or emergency room staff.  This exclusive and unique crash bag allows for the easy storage and use of essential supplies such as a bag valve mask (BVM), AED, oxygen tank, etc.  Each item stored in the bag is identified

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    #Responder, #Oxygen, #lifeguard, #First, #emt, #crash, #BVM, #bag, #AED
  2. New Crash Bag Does First Aid Write!

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    The just released First Responder Bag With (labeled) First Aid Pocket is a new version of the insanely popular labeled First Responder Bag. This new crash bag has all the principle items that first responders need, labeled for quick and easy access, including now first aid items, which is clearly written on the top pocket of the bag.

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    #Responder, #labeled, #First, #crash, #bag, #Aid
  3. Is Oxygen Portable?

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    Is oxygen portable? It is if you have a Lifeguard First Responder Bag! The Lifeguard First Responder, as featured in the new American Red Cross Lifeguard Training Manual, is the perfect way to carry a Portable Oxygen Tank and other First Aid Supplies.

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    #red, #portable, #Oxygen, #lifeguard, #First, #cross, #crash, #bag, #ARC, #american, #Aid
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